What to do next.,,,

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Re: What to do next.,,,

Post by DALTORPS »

To Kalliwoda.

quote by daphnis:

"(by the way Kalliwoda, I've been a long-standing fan of your music; your Oboe Concertino, Op. 110 especially )."

Does "daphnis" realy mean you?? The only composer Kolliwoda i find is a guy that died in 1866 and was born 1801. I do not belive that you are 208! years old...I maybe missed a joke....

DALTORPS (Brian Cohn).
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Re: What to do next.,,,

Post by daphnis »

I maybe missed a joke....
Yes, you did :)
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Re: What to do next.,,,

Post by Violinist18 »

Ohh. I see. :?