Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by steltz »

juanclitton wrote:1) Am I correct in assuming that you have to access the database and download only the scores you need?
2) And that once it's downloaded, would I be able to open the downloaded scores even without wifi or 3g connection?
3) Are the scores totally free for download?
1) Yes, that is correct.
2) The scores are in PDF format, although some also come with attached finale (typesetting) files, but you don't need to worry about those unless you want to re-arrange the music. Provided your device (phone, Ipad, computer, whatever) has a program (such as Adobe Acrobat) to read PDF files, you can open them -- no wifi or 3g needed. Just save the file to your device and you can open it tomorrow, next week, or next year.
3) The scores are totally free -- there is no charge. However, you need to make sure that the score is legal in your country. Each country has its own "term of copyright", which is a number of years for which the work is protected. The usual ones are 50 or 70 years from the death of the last contributor (composer, librettist, etc.). So although you may find that you are able to download the score, it may not be legal for you to do so. Check the laws of your country. It might be a good idea to read our copyright page:

The more detailed page is:

Please note that this pertains to the country you are playing the music in. It doesn't mean that if a piece is in the public domain in your country of birth, you can play from a download or photocopy anywhere in the world. If your country is not listed on the two pages above, go to: ... ght_length.

Please also note that posthumous publications, i.e. works published after a composer's death, are usually dealt with slightly differently. It can be as simple as the country's copyright term, but starting at publication, but it might also be different. You will have to check whether the work was published in the composer's lifetime, and if it is a posthumous publication, you will have to check how your country deals with it.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by Generoso »

Here is Giora Schmidt who used the iPad in his performance of the World Premiere of the Liszt Piano Sonata in B minor on the violin.

The interview:

And the Performance
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by Generoso »

I believe the forscore app was used in the case of the Liszt Violin solo Sonata case and the pages were turned by a foot pedal using AirTurn BT-105 and a wireless bluetooth connection.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by dpajalic »

i have purchased Padrucci and it doesnt work on my iPad (ver 1).
the developer WWW site is not working either, and Apple store is not helping, refering to the developer (sic!)
i advise caution with this product.
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I'm ready to buy Padrucci, but first...

Post by orish »

Hi, I'm ready to buy the Padrucci app, even though it is $6 or so.

But I'd first like to know whether I can get scores directly from from within the app (when connected to the internet, that is) and whether the PDF scores will get sent to forscore (automatically if possible).

That's all I want it for.

Alternatively, does anyone know of a quick 'n easy way to get scores into forscore without first having to load up iTunes, connect up the cable and copy the pdf files into the app? If I access from my ipad browser, is there a way to download the scores into forscore?

Many thanks... :)
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iClassical for iPad

Post by orish »

I just bought this app, very cheap at $2. It seems very basic and simple, but it does exactly what I want... no more, no less:

- Find the music on imslp, download it, and send it to forscore (using the "open in" feature).

So no need to purchase Padrucci, sorry to say! - I don't know what else would be needed.iClassical does the job for peanuts :lol:
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by AlanStones »

Also having problems with this app on my iPad 2. It won't even launch, simply crashes. Have tried relaunching and restarting to no effect. F
The links on the app store to support or developer website also lead to a blank web page. For a paid app this is no acceptable. Hopefully an update is forthcoming soon to fix the problem.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by nancyfromafrica »

I was looking for an Android app on this it seems the iPad app is crashing some how. There should be a free trial version for this app.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by VictorEijkhout »

The Padrucci app has never made it beyond the opening screen for me.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by Carolus »

I think it is largely obsolete now anyway. iClassical Scores works reasonably well for me, as does the free app.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by tabestmaker »

Does there exist the probability that this service will be available for Android platforms soon?
Not everyone does I pad (this on an Acer Iconia)
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by VictorEijkhout »

Carolus wrote: iClassical Scores works reasonably well for me
I looked up myself and several of my compositions are somehow just not found. The review on the iTunes store states the same: it doesn't find all pieces by a composer.

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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by JosephGosling »

the app is great i luv it.
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by Eric »

Some of the categories however are out of date in the lists you can see in Padrucci. (e.g. Ernst Toch, Marie Jaëll…)
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Re: Padrucci: The iPad app for IMSLP

Post by Eric »

Actually, as I'm using an iPhone and not an iPad, I'm in the wrong category, apologies.